BioHorizons® Prosthetics
A broad range of prosthetics covering a wide range of indications
BioHorizons offers a broad array of abutments for a wide range of indications and patient conditions including the versatile 3inOne abutment and the convenient Simple Solutions restorative system. Our conical abutment-implant connection and tight machining tolerances create a "wedging effect" that produces a biologic seal. Abutment screw loosening is avoided by the Spiralock thread design, the same design used in the orthopedic and aerospace industries.

Authentic Connection
The BioHorizons conical, internally hexed connection features a number of unique design advantages focused on strength, durability and usability. The mating surfaces of the implant, abutment and abutment screw create a strong and durable precision fit as well as a predictable seal that isolates the inside of the implant from the oral biological environment. Using authentic BioHorizons parts will ensure a precision fit between the prosthetic component and implant, avoiding costly component failures that may occur from using third-party prosthetics.