Event news  – 

Der 7. CAMLOG ZAHNTECHNIK-KONGRESS on Saturday, 15 October 2022

7. Camlog Dental Technician Congress, forum for dental technicians

Building on the success of the past years, there will be a forum for dental technology on the Saturday for German-speaking professionals from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In series of lectures, speakers will venture an outlook into the future, touching on topics such as digitalisation, teamwork, aesthetics and modern treatment concepts. The hosts of the congress, Dr. Martin Gollner and MDT Otto Prandtner, will also present a panel discussion, featuring the speakers about "cooperation at eye level".

Participants are encouraged to discuss with all experts during the program and in the separate speaker´s lounge – a networking opportunity not to be missed.

Information and Registration on: 7. Camlog Zahntechnik-Kongress – Faszination Implantatprothetik